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Issue #177: December 12, 2010

Dear Bernie,

 It’s possible that my HP PC with Windows 7 is going into the garbage soon if I can’t get relief from the inability to get through security (or something) blocking my access to’s enhanced census and other reports which are crucial to my genealogy research. Before this, with my Vista, it was no problem. Blood pressure will blow me away if this continues.  My security is MacAfee and Microsoft’s included software. I know of nothing more.

You will get a star in your crown if you are able to get around this horrible situation

Thank you,

– Virginia M.Fort Walton Beach, Fla

A: “Bernie”?  Well, that’s a new one on me.  Are you sure you have the right column?  It’s “Jeff” actually.  Pleased to meet you.  You can just call me “Geek”.  Or “The Geek”.  But please don’t call me “Bernie”.

As for your problem, you’re a little light on information for me to really help you, Virginia (I was tempted to call you “Delaware” because I’m in a good mood).  I know you said “I know nothing more” but you must have gotten an error message, or seen something happen (or fail to happen) when you made the attempt.  Knowing you have McAfee and Microsoft security gives me very little to go on if you can’t tell me what you were trying to do, how you did it, what you expected to get, and what the system responded with.  So, before that blood pressure blows you away, take a deep breath, try again, and please capture some error information for me so I at least have a starting point.  And thanks for the chuckle.  …“Bernie”… heh heh heh

Q: I’ve used Hotmail as my primary email for over 10 yrs. Saves issues with changing ISPs. I would like to know if it is possible to save my emails to my computer in bulk as opposed to using copy/paste individually. I’m using Windows XP on a Dell computer.

– Crystal G.
Baker, Fla

A: Sure, Crystal.  I imagine you use Hotmail for the same reason I use Gmail – the ability to access your e-mail from anywhere via a web browser.  Most webmail – and this includes Hotmail – also allows you to access it using a regular e-mail client, such as Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express.  The easiest way to accomplish that would be to set up an e-mail client to access the Hotmail server, but not to remove the messages when it downloads them.  This will result in all your e-mail being downloaded to your local computer, but the copies on the server that you access via the web will be left intact.  You can find instructions on how to set this up in Microsoft’s Knowledge base by entering into your browser.

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