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Issue #672a – Special to ION Magazine: June, 2020

Q: Why is there no third-party testing of 5G to ensure it is safe and not a danger as being reported, including being banned in much of Europe?

– Joseph H.
City Unknown

A: I’m going to sidestep the part of your question that asks “Why,” Joseph.  I think it is a bit presumptuous to state that no third-party testing is or has been done.  In my reading on the topic, it appears quite a bit of research has been done.  The problem appears to be that there is no scientific consensus on whether 5G is or is not dangerous.  So, let’s discuss 5G briefly, learn what it is, and hopefully give people the basis to do some independent research.

First things first:  Just what the heck is “5G” anyway? Put simply, it is the next step in the evolution of mobile device communication. It is referred to as a new generation of technology.  Including the original first-generation analog mobile phones, there have been four generations (4G) up until this point.  The next logical step will be, naturally, 5G. It represents a giant leap forward in data speed for wireless devices.  The goal is to deliver speeds that are up to 100 times faster than current 4G.  To put it in raw terms, that is a speed on the order of gigabits per second – monstrously faster than 4G speeds, which top out at mere tens of megabits per second.

5G has been very controversial.  As you mentioned, Joseph, it has even been banned outright in several countries.  What is so different about it that has so many people up in arms?  To fully answer that would require in-depth knowledge of radio frequencies, magnetic fields, and RF propagation, and I don’t think anyone wants that lecture from me.  I can simplify it by saying that in order to achieve the increase in speed that is being demanded from this next generation of cellular communication, the effective radio energy that is output by mobile devices and cell towers is being increased.  A lot.  5G also uses higher radio frequencies, referred to as millimeter waves.  This high-energy, high-frequency radio energy is far more capable of penetrating flesh than previous generations of cellular technology.  The scientists that are most concerned believe these radio waves to be mutagenic.  That is, capable of interfering with and changing the DNA structure of living organisms.

Is there cause for concern?  Sounds like it to this Geek.  Some testing has been done, but it has certainly not been adequate, and there is an ongoing debate between scientists on both sides as to just how much danger it poses.  Meanwhile, 5G is already live in several places around the world – including within the United States – and you can bet that data are being gathered on its effects.  In no small way, a live test is being conducted, using actual human subjects.  This is something unprecedented for such a wide-reaching, publicly used technology.  Let’s hope the tests yield good results.

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