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Issue #130: January 17, 2010
Q: I am using Windows Vista and it tells me that there is a cd driver installed that is not compatible with Vista so Vista disables the driver but will not delete the driver.. tells me to go to roxio and get an update. I just want to delete the driver, when I go into my computer and click on drivers it is not listed. How can I delete this driver ?
– Julian H.
Fort Walton Beach, Fla
A: I’m not sure why Roxio calls the item you’re having a problem with a “driver” as I don’t think it’s a driver in the same context that Windows uses to refer to drivers. In Windows terminology a “driver” is a piece of software, usually supplied by the maker of a piece of hardware, that translates the somewhat standard programming interface in Windows to the specific commands required to operate any given device. In your case, I believe the incompatibility is with a portion of one of Roxio’s CD Burning programs which often come pre-installed on computers that are factory-equipped with a CD or DVD burner.
If, as you say, you’re only interested in removing the “driver” then uninstall the offending Roxio product, which is probably something like Roxio Creator, or Roxio MY DVD. However, unless you’ve got other disc-creation software, uninstalling Roxio will leave you unable to burn discs, so you might consider trying to fix the problem by patching the incompatibility instead. I’d recommend a visit to Roxio’s website, since others have had similar problems to yours for years, and the solution is out there waiting. Here’s a link to get you started:
Q: Read one of your recent articles about archiving Outlook files. I tried on one folder and realized I don’t know how to retrieve items from that folder now. Can you advise?
– Dick C.
Fort Walton Beach, Fla
A: Sure Dick. Sorry I didn’t cover that topic in the original article, but it’s tough to fit good information in only 500 words sometimes. When Outlook archives your messages, it actually moves them out of the normal .PST file into another file named (would you believe it) Archive.pst, which is located in the same directory as the other .PST file. It also adds an “Archive” folder to your main Outlook folder tree. This folder will contain the same folder structure that you’re used to seeing at the top level of Outlook, except it contains all the archived messages. You can access them by simply clicking on them with your mouse and browsing the contents.
Attention, Geeks, non-Geeks, and Geek wannabes! Don’t forget that THE place to be next Saturday is the NWFACUG Computer Tech 2010 Expo at Northwest Florida State College Niceville Campus. I’ll be there, hosting my usual Q&A session, and I’ll be joined by 24 other presenters, covering a broad range of tech topics from learning how to use eBay to getting the most out of your iPhone. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this exposition is for computer professionals – these seminars, and indeed the entire Expo is aimed directly at the home computer user. You can find full information on the Expo, including the schedule of presenters on the web at See you there!
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